Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It’s that time of year again…Merry Static Day!!!

Hair that is charged with static is a nightmare…sticks to your face, stands on end, and causes an epic battle between the desire to cling to the seat in your car, or the desire to stick desperately to your coat. You know, your hair ends up looking like one of those plasma globes, better known as a static electricity globe, that you always used to run into spencer gift to touch. Not attractive. Globe isn't as intriguing anymore, is it? Well, here are a few of my suggestions and solutions. Read on fellow static magnets!

Fix On The Quick:

keep a fabric softener sheet with you at all times!!! run it over your brush or down the length of your hair. not only will it help to temporarily keep the static on the fly (insert humor) but you’ll smell like line dried linen, mango apple, or whatever new smell you decide to try! another quick fix is to spray your favorite hairspray on a brush/comb and run through your hair.

Middle Of The Road…The Ol' Routine:

start by using a clarifying shampoo once a week and finish with a deep conditioning treatment. the rest of the week use a moisturizing shampoo and finish with a light conditioner or leave-in conditioning spray. the more moisture your hair has, the less likely it is to fly, but do not over-condition, or you’ll end up walking around with more grease in your hair that McRestaurant has in their fryers! avoid hair products that contain ingredients that will dry out your hair, such as alcohol or harsh chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfates.

A Lengthy Approach:

hair static can be very strong in wintertime, with the culprit being the dryness of our air. as temperatures drop and we raise our thermostats, the air inside our homes gets very dry. by using a humidifier, you get the air in your home back to normal humidity levels, and the static will be reduced!

well my friends, this is all of the info about this electrifying subject that i may divulge to you at this time. keep checking back for more crazy inside info!

and remember, there are no ugly women...just lazy ones! stay beautiful!!!

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